
Fashion and performance have been very popular part of Wilurarra Creative since it began in 2004. It includes performing for live audiences and camera, styling up with makeup, doing haircut, doing haircuts and colours, and making jewellery and clothing.

People often try out different ideas about themselves and how other people see them through the fashion and performance program. Fashion and performance are joyful and playful ways to explore cultures, gender, relationships, shame, and pride



Early in 2009 Wilurarra Creative and the Shire Community Development Team hosted Lenine Bourke from young People and the Arts Australia. Together we held a month-long festival of fashion and literacy activities that included practicing fashion posing and performing, painting hats, designing  t-shirts, taking photos, exploring collage and design and practicing writing words to go with the images. Threaded throughout this event was a reviewing of old fashion photos, discussions around how fashion activities had changed in Warburton, and learning about composing strong photos.




In July 2010 artist Jasmine Lawson curated a film night under the stars at the Wilurarra Creative centre using the Wilurarra Creative digital collection. The event included slideshows of early fashion activities and events, recent workshops and a history of the centre. Community members of all ages came to celebrate the event.
This was followed by a fashion performance produced in collaboration with Perth based indigenous theatre company Yirra Yaakin, during their ‘good lovin’ tour in the Ngaanyatjarra Lands. Together we produced a lively twilight music and fashion performance in Wilurarra Creative grounds.


We have continued our fashion workshops and shows through 2011 in partnering with the Ngaanyatjarra Health service and staff to run photo shoots in the Warburton clinic all health themed. Photo shoots included Dentist chair, ambulance, getting checkups and various others. Working with Cameron Mcdonald and Lida Curran it was a great success. To follow-up the fashion shots a Fashion show was held to showcase Warburton’s new fashion styles.



All the focus for this 2012 has been on practising poses, being confident creating more sophisticated performances and styling up which was clear to see from the photos. Star lady worked with the ladies and fellas in combining make-up (for ladies), fashion and Amazing hair styles the results being spectacular.
We also introduced something new this year with screen printing. Jeff Stewart ran workshops at Wilurarra, creating stencils and then applying them to various items of clothing to be worn at the fashion show. some very cool designs made for an interesting display.

Our new photo shooting studio setup is helping capture some incredible new poses and one of kind outfit combinations, helping build confidence in preparation for the big show.
Artists created different moods and lots of dancing with their performances. Fellas and kungkas did strong shows on the catwalk together.

